Hours & Location |
Learn about the revamped ACT and SATs and how test-optional can be evaluated with national college expert, Heidi King from College Inside Track at this webinar.
The landscape of college admission and financial aid is constantly shifting, making it crucial for parents and students to stay informed and adapt their strategies. Changes to the college search and application process have made it more complex for families to find the right schools and get in successfully. Reserve your seat today! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlce2trjwtHNyeZTeFbBCF53JxYkfymTie#/registration
New versions of ACT/SATs
How to choose which test is best
Admission trends: increased selectivity and cost
New FAFSA details
How to develop into a top applicant to compete for admissions and scholarships
Right-fit and how to find it
Join us as we partner with a national college expert, Heidi King from College Inside Track, to learn how these changes may impact your family and learn new strategies to consider to give your student the best opportunity to be admitted and maximize scholarships and financial aid.
This is essential information for parents of high school students in grades 9-11. Don’t miss it!